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Free Speech

Free Speech

There’s probably no aspect of individual freedom that’s more celebrated than freedom of speech. But there’s also a lot of misunderstanding about how free speech really works.

Government-Run Education

Government-Run Education

Democratic government depends on people being knowledgeable enough to make basic choices about how their government operates. But is it wise to put government in charge of education?…

Rule of Law

Rule of Law

People have been talking about the importance of the “rule of law” for thousands of years, but what does the “rule of law” really mean?…

Pursuit of Happiness

The Pursuit of Happiness

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is a slogan that we use a lot, but why do we have a right to “pursue happiness”?…

Knowledge Problems

Why the Government Doesn’t Know Best

People sometimes say that limited government only worked in the olden days and that we now need regulation. Yet that logic doesn’t make any sense.



There are two ways of thinking about equality: one cherishes individuality, diversity, and freedom, but the other forces people to be the same.